The Solution

OnPoint Medical Group collaborated with 3Cloud to create a proprietary application for seamless medical record data transfer. This software, now owned by OnPoint, translates CDA EMR file data into an AthenaNet-compatible format, ensuring a smooth transition of crucial patient information.

The application efficiently manages various unstructured data types, including PDFs, Word documents, rich text files, flat text files and PACS images. This unstructured PHI data is securely migrated and stored in a cloud-based platform, offering easy accessibility through a dedicated link within AthenaNet’s patient records.

This HIPAA-compliant solution features advanced functionalities, including a robust search function for efficient data retrieval, a comprehensive PHI audit log for enhanced security, and the ability to generate and print complete patient legacy charts

The Results

Through its collaboration with 3Cloud, OnPoint Medical Group now possesses an advanced application and a cloud-based environment for development, testing, and production. This strategic move has significantly enhanced the efficiency of the organization’s patient record migration process.

The adaptable application, crafted by 3Cloud, can continuously evolve and seamlessly adjust to accommodate data migration from various EMR systems. With each new acquisition, OnPoint Medical Group has observed a notable decrease in migration costs and a reduction in the timeline for the migration process.

Furthermore, OnPoint is no longer dependent on third-party migration firms, granting them greater control and flexibility in overseeing patient data migration operations. This independence strengthens the organization’s capacity to deliver high-quality healthcare services while effectively managing costs.


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