Whether you have a mature higher-ed data analytics solution or are in the planning phase, you likely consider the needs of your executives and administration when deciding who needs data access. And why not? These decision-makers must determine what strategy will best steer your institution. This post addresses other potential consumers within higher education settings that can directly benefit from having access to an institution’s data.

Higher education data and analytics


Faculty members fill many roles, including instructor, advisor, and mentor.  Putting certain data directly in their hands can enhance their influence on student success.

Course-based data: Certain aggregate measurements can help faculty plan, or adjust instruction, making it easier for instructors and students to succeed.

  • How is this class performing compared to others this term or in previous terms?
  • What qualitative measures can be seen in my enrollments for next semester? What tutoring needs might be anticipated?  Should I plan for additional office hours?

Student-based data: Seeing a more complete picture about each student allows faculty and teaching-support interventions, when required, to try to prevent poor performance, withdrawals, or failing grades.

  • How is this student performing compared to others? What measurable differences may influence performance?  What changes can be made to boost success?
  • How is this student using the learning management system to collaborate?
  • What is this student’s course load for this term? Is this their first full-time term?  Do they commute or live on campus?


Data and insights presented to students can directly impact their behavior and learning outcomes.  A student usually receives direct feedback on their performance throughout the semester from grades on homework, presentations, and tests.  While students have the option of talking with their peers to see how they are doing comparatively, a student-centered dashboard can make that information even more transparent.  Combined with other data – and suggested actions – this information has even more power.

Class performance data

  • How does my current grade average compare to other students? How does my attendance impact my grades? Would better attendance result in better grades?
  • How much do other students use office hours? How much do other students attend study sessions?
  • What resources are available to improve my grades? How have these resources impacted other students?

Finance data

  • What is my estimated financial aid for the upcoming year? What impact would more/fewer courses have on my tuition costs?  What are my options for payment plans, loans, or scholarships?
  • How much does it cost to live on campus versus commuting?
  • How do upcoming tuition increases affect my out-of-pocket costs?
  • Can I add an on campus/off campus job to my schedule?

Degree selection and attainment data

  • What courses are remaining in my current degree plan?
  • What is the impact of changing my degree? Adding a minor?
  • What are the careers of recent graduates with my degree?

General Public

Chances are your institution publishes data to its website, in newsletters, or other media.  And likely this data is a single point in time, and could have taken weeks, or longer, to prepare.  Consider what other key metrics can highlight your institution’s successes and its future potential.

Such metrics might include incoming class attributes, career placement, graduation rates, and alumni giving.  These are points of pride that can garner interest in your university from prospective students, transfers, alumni, and community leaders.

3Cloud can help you realize an agile, decentralized, data-driven strategy to enhance student and faculty experiences that boosts long-term institutional success.  Our expertise in higher education, advanced analytics, and modern data platforms position us as a trusted partner in implementing limitless Azure Synapse Analytics – the evolution of Azure SQL Data Warehouse, or deploying Power BI for reports and dashboards to drive your organization.